Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Final Blog Post Reflection

As this class is coming to a close and I begin to reflect back I realize that I learned some new skills to take with me to the classroom.  While I still wait for the red tape to be sifted through at the district level regarding the use of a blog or wiki I at least have developed a GAME plan for when I am finally allowed to do so.  “That is, when used as a support and resource for the communicative processes of teaching and learning, the computer can be used to increase creative thinking processes among groups and communities (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p.70).”  I now have the background knowledge to use the computer to support my teaching.  Prior to this course I did not feel comfortable with using Wiki’s. I now feel comfortable that when the district finally allows me permission to use Wiki’s that I will be able to implement them seamlessly. 
I had not even heard the term digital story until this class.  I can now see how it would benefit me to use in my PE classroom.  The students will be able to create a public service announcement warning others of the health risk of a sedentary life with poor eating habits.  They will also be able to use videos which they will create to show people exercises they can use at home.  They can also share healthy food options.  I really see this being a creative way to promote the message of being healthy.  In this day and age of technology we really have to do our part to continue to stress the importance of being healthy.  This seems like a great way to combine the two and reach more students and adults.  I think this would also allow the students to have ownership in the project and hopefully make a real impact with them as well.
Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Evaluate GAME Plan Progress

As I wait for the district to muck through the red tape to figure out if I am allowed to have a blog I am working on other things.  “In reflecting “in action,” you will continually think about and modify your current behaviors based on the thought processes that occur simultaneously with the action (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p.11).”   My colleagues and I are getting ready to send home parent permission slips that would allow their students to participate in the blog.  We figured that if we do the things that we can than when we are given permission things will be able to get started quickly.  We also are going to begin talking with our friend at the district level on setting up the blog.  We will take his advice on whether or not to set it up.  He said that he would help us in setting this up when we do get permission.  We are continuing to work with what we have been given.
Cennamo,K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningfulclassroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Customed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monitoring Your GAME Plan Progress

“Once the goals have been set for a GAME plan it is important to research the necessary resources you will need to be successful in filling out your goals (Cennamo, Ross, Ertmer, 2009).”  Now that I have researched the resources and began to try the implementation of it I am finding out that there is more to this than I originally thought.  When I started this GAME plan I thought I would be able to implement this without much problem at all.  As many of you stated I have switched to starting with a much smaller group for the original colleague wiki.  I am going to need to rely heavily on their support.  We decided to try and start this in January or February.  Right now everyone is busy with the start of the school year and we wanted to start at a time when we think we would have the most success.  Once we see how it works than we can try to spread it to the rest of the staff.
As far as starting a blog with my students I found out that I have a few hurdles that will have to be jumped over first.  While talking to the technology teacher she informed me that I would have to get permission with people at the district level.  Then we would have to get parent permission for their student to participate.  I would have to show the district that this would be an educational blog that would be beneficial for the students.  The nice thing I found out was that if we got all of this lined up then a technology person at the district level would help in setting up the blog.  I thought this was a nice.  So I still have a long way to go.  I understand the district wants to cover all our tails in this day and age of legal issues.
Cennamo,K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningfulclassroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Customed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

As I began to try and implement my GAME plan I realized that this is going to take a little bit of work to get it in place.  In order for this to work the number one thing I am going to need to do is to collaborate with my colleagues.  I have sent an email to all the staff at my school to be able to gage the mood of the staff regarding the need or want of a blog or collaborative wiki.  Some of the staff said they would do it but have no experience with either of these. I was actually amazed at the number of staff who said they would not like another thing that they need to keep up with.  We are a very high achieving school and have lots of expectations and they felt that if there was something like this than it would add to the work load.  I have talked to our technology teacher and a friend that does technology at the district level.  They both said that they would help me if they could in implementing this.  They warned me that the number one thing I need to do is to make sure the staff is on board.  I do not want to take the time to set this up if no one is even going to try and make it work.  I know that if I can sell it to them as a collaborative tool that we could all use to help each other out and not make their work load heavier I think they would really benefit.  Does anyone do a wiki or blog for their school?  If so what can be done to make this a beneficial task for all involved?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


As a physical education teacher I have not spent much time with technology standards.  In previous courses I have skimmed over them but never really broke down what they actually meant to me.  I figured out that some of these indicators I already do without much trouble but there are plenty of them that I could improve upon.  The two for me I posted below.
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others
Goals-My goal is to become better at using technology on a daily basis.  I would like to be able to use technology on a weekly basis to collaborate with my colleagues and students.  I would like to become a leader with technology so that I can share ideas with the people in my building.
Action-“That is, when used as a support and resource for the communicative processes of teaching and learning, the computer can be used to increase creative  thinking processes among groups and communities(Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p.70).”  I want to set up a couple blogs or wikis that I could use with my colleagues to communicate with.  The other I would like my students to be able to access to answer question that I post.  We do a good job as a faculty of using email but I think we could really get more done with the use of these other options.  I am interested to see if anyone has any information to make this transition easier. 
Monitor-I will monitor the progress by watching the traffic on the blogs.  We will see how many people are using the blogs to communicate with each other.  I can make my students use it by assigning homework to be down by answering on the blog.
Evaluate-If the students are using the blogs to communicate with me I will be able to mark it down in the grade book.  I would like to have a hundred percent participation but know that this can be difficult with some students not having internet access.  What can be done with these students?  It’s a little harder to make the staff use this but would hope that if we make it worth their while that they would want to participate.  That is where the burden falls on my shoulders with the help of some of the other technology savvy teachers. 
I still have a long way to go before I am anywhere near savvy with technology.  Every day through this class I become a little better and hope that with some insightful thoughts from my peers that I can continue to grow.  I am looking forward to your critiques and hope that I can also help you out as well.
Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved on September 13, 2011 from

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Final Reflection for Bridging Learning Theory and Instruction

I cannot believe our class is drawing to a close.  It seems like just yesterday that I was listening to Dr. Orey talk about instructional theory vs. learning theory.  I can honestly say that I did not have the faintest idea about either of these theories.  Now a mere seven weeks later I can have an intelligent conversation with someone explaining the difference between the two.   
The main thing I took from the class is about the role of the learner.   “All four of the theories are based on having an active learner in the classroom.  Children have to be active in the learning process regardless of the learning theory that we incorporate.” (Laureate 2008)  I think that this after finishing this course personal learning theory has been strengthened even more.  I always tried to get the students to be active in the process.  Now I make a more conscious effort and try to find ways for them to act as the teacher.
I learned that educational technology integration is not just me using an active board in front of the students to demonstrate something.  I have to let them use it if they are to get any real sustenance from the activity.  Two technology tools I would like to implement into my classroom would be the use of pedometers to measure the amount of steps students takes.  It is recommended that we take ten thousand steps a day.  I think if I had them track their progress and then put their information in an excel spreadsheet they would really enjoy this. The other technology would have to do with orienteering.  This is a sport that helps students with navigational skills using maps, compasses, and now GPS. Teach them how to read maps and properly use the GPS while exercising by walking to the next destination around the school grounds.
My long-term goal for integrating technology into my instructional practices would be to not overdo it.  I know this sounds strange in a time when the big push is to get technology into everything.  As a PE teacher some technology as I have mentioned can be beneficial to adding depth to a class.  However there are other times when good old fashioned basketball or kickball without a computer screen hooked up is really good for them.  I have noticed that there are times when I pull out a technology and the students groan because they have it shoved down their throat too much.  I am going to try and find a happy medium for when I use technology in my gymnasium to supplement a lesson.
I did not really know what to write for this fourth step paragraph.  All it said to do was copy and paste the URL for my blog into a word document and submit it to the instructor. I went back and looked at the instructions for this final reflection and it says to be sure to have a total of six paragraphs with an intro, conclusion, and one for each of the four steps.  I was not sure how I was going to get a fourth paragraph about my URL but I thought I would give it a try. After submitting this to my blog I will make sure to paste it here.
I learned a lot in this class about the theories behind how students learn.  The most important thing I take away from this is that I need to try and get my students involved in the learning.  Nothing is more important than having an engaged and active learner.  It will be my job to help the student get there.  I need to not stifle them but rather give them the opportunities to teach others what is expected.

 Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Instructional Theory vs. Learning  Theory Baltimore: Author.